Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Social Media Movement.

A business environment containing leaders, employees, suppliers, critics and consumers collectively have an ability to create a movement via social media through social platform functions including sharing, retweets, hashtags, tagging and URL pasting in posts.
Historically, the characteristics of a movement can be applied to the digital and social media world.

The desire to constantly create, change, challenge, debate, innovate and being progressive in your quest will raise greater awareness than a recycled product, service or thought process.
Lateral thinking is required and can be achieved by collaborating and exchanging ideas within a diverse environment. Brainstorming within your everyday work environment only preaches the same thought process as opposed to various professions, qualifications and personalities willing to contribute a thought process.
By attending the monthly JPR business discussion group, I have been able to challenge my own personal business plan and wider industry model I’m associated with to investigate a new world of exciting possibilities, best summed up by LEAP’s Alan Rodway, “The game changer!”

Staff buy-in!
Defining your objective and providing a flow chart to the desired outcome will create clarity for your staff, essentially the front line to any business.
Enable your staff an opportunity to understand how they can participate by learning how to use fundamental tools and functionality to assist with the momentum of your movement.
Ongoing discussions through training sessions and information sharing through memos will maintain a consistency, focus and unity in the business message to the world amongst your staff.

My final thought!

As far back to the civil rights movement and beyond, strong leadership, focus and general consistency in the message ensured vital qualities of loyalty, trust and commitment, as you would desire to your own social movement.

Marcus Knight 
Generation Entertainment Group (Talent Management/Agency)
Dinomedia Pty Ltd (Web Development / Hosting)
Generation PR (Social Media / Online Promotion Strategies)

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